Tuesday, 9 October 2012

International Sports Leadership Training

A brief about ISLT

ISLT is a new generation of world-wide sports leaders. It focuses on training individuals on best practice sports ministry concepts, strategies and models. Some of the topics covered under the training are: Vision, Influential leadership, Building Effective teams, Team building Activities, Bible & Sports, Explaining the Gospel, Children Youth Community nd Sports (CYCAS), ISC Strategies and Values, etc. The impact and growth of sports ministry around the globe has been tremendous. ISLT is one of the strategies and it comprises of Level 1, 2 & 3. Participants for ISLT level One are drawn from Zimbabwe and those for level two are drawn from Zimbabwe and the SADC region. Level II training will continue to build on skills acquired in Level I. this implies that no one can do level 2 unless he has done the first level. Level three will have participants coming from different parts of the world and is held in Cape Town. 

Because of the nature of the training where participants are required to camp, there will be need for a training venue that has a training room, electricity & water, accommodation and a ground for outdoor activities. People are required to pay towards the costs for hiring the venue, food and training material. The cost will solely depend on the venue, etc

Strength to you all.

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